Friday, August 8, 2008

Happy happy birthday!

On a whim the 6th, I flew out to Las Cruces, NM to celebrate my birthday with my sister! Here are some pictures of our fun day yesterday!

happy family


Sarah Stout said...

I LOVE the pictures! Thanks for sharing... I'm so glad that you made it there on time. Have fun!

P.S. Do Michelle's kids ever get confused thinking that you are their mom since you guys look so much alike?

Lucky said...

Love the pics!!!!

So much fun to look at and
feel part of!

Everyone looks adorable and cuddly and just as it all should be...

Keep it up, I want to see

The Linds said...

You and Michelle look so adorable!! I love the matching tops! Too cute. I wish I could've been there.

Lisa said...

Sarah yes they start calling me mom after awhile. Especially when I get to babysit. It's funny. Then they catch themselves cause they know I am not mom! I'll be there mom any day. They are my favorite!