Thursday, August 14, 2008


On our birthday: Most of these are pictures I snapped using my cell phone.

Me and Braden. I loved this picture of Braden so much! It's my permanent screensaver on my phone!


Kelly said...

wow, you guys look exactly the same! Glad you got to be with Michelle on your b-day!

Lucky said...

HOW FUNNY! YOU both looked alike, then lisa did a michelle face
and you did a lisa face LOLOLROFL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOVE IT YOU LITTLE DOLLIES!!!

Ever my sweeties
Love mom

Shane and Michelle said...
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Shane and Michelle said...

we look pretty scary? Lisa the one pic of you with the big eyes is so cute.

Sarah Stout said...

I love th pictures! Thanks for sharing :)

The Linds said...

LISA! Hallelujah you are keeping your blog updated!! Good girl!